Year: 2023

SLJ Bug of the year Kick Start

The first activity for the day for me is to create a bug for bug of the year. I watched a instructional video and learnt that you could mask images on google drawings. I found it easy because I had a plan of about what my bug would look like. This is my bug I created.

Some information on my bug: It is found in the dark. It’s wings glow along with it’s tail bit. The ear looks like a flower most of the time but it will close if any living thing went in it. The ear will also change colour and shape, depending what insect it sees in it’s environment during the day. To save bees and butterflies, it changes into domes/rock alike in the daytime. It approaches at night and spies on the day by having ½ the brain asleep and ½ the brain awake. It eats the the living thing that went in the ear. It also eat from the ear as well as hear from it. It is called the Glowing Mayfly.

What would your bug be and what are some functions on your bug?

SLJ ComicQuest Step It Up

For this task, I created a comic strip with a background of my choice. I named it ‘Try to fly with balls from the sky’ because my story tells of a seagull trying to fly but balls keep bumping it back down to the ground.

I like birds in my comic strips so I put a seagull. What is your favourite character you would like in your comic strip?

SLJ R.E.S.P.E.C.T Step It Up

The last task for me for the day is a task I had missed. It is called respect Step It Up and is all about designing a poster on respect. I planed it out on my whiteboard then digitalized it by copying it onto google drawings. In total, I have used my whiteboard, google drawings and google images (and also to remove background). This is my poster.

To me, respect means being kind and doing things like welcoming a new student to the school. What does respect mean to you?


Today, I did a task from ages ago that I realised I had not done. This task is called respect and the task is to design a Tongan Kiekie. A Kiekie is kinda like a cultural dress people wear in Tonga. I looked at some of the examples and came up with the idea of this design. I chose the flowers because I see a lot of cultural clothing with flowers as part of the patterns and the bird to represent peace. I found it pretty easy even without using google images. My design looks like this.

What would you choose to put on your Kiekie and why?

SLJ Pixal Art

A task in the past that I have done today is all about pixal art. Originally, the task was all in Te Reo Māori and I could not understand so I used google translate and solved it. I found it really fun drawing on a squared paper digitally. Could you figure it out what they are?

Answers: Lemon, Strawberry, Tomato

What type of art do you think you are best at?

SLJ Snakes and Ladders Step It Up

This afternoon, the last task for the day was to create your own snakes and ladders with multiplication/division. If you don’t know how to play snakes and ladders, I play it where the first person rolls the dice. Whatever the dice lands on e.g. 4, you move whatever steps which in this case, would be 4. If you land at the bottom of the ladder, you move to wherever the ladder takes you. If you land at the top of the ladder, nothing happens. If you land at the bottom of the snake, nothing happens. If you land at the mouth of the snake, you go to where the tail of the snake takes you. Also, if you land in the middle of a ladder or a snake, nothing happens. There will be a question to answer, and if you answer wrong, you stay where you are. This is my multiplication snakes and ladders.

Which game/s is/are your favourite?

SLJ Snakes and Ladders Kick Start

Today’s activities will be based on Snakes and Ladders. To start off the day, I played Snakes and Ladders, then I made my own one. It took me a while to get it done because I found it hard remembering things I’ve done a long time ago. The first slide is just an example from the template.

I like mixtures of percentages, decimals and fractions. What type of maths do you like?

SLJ Under The Sea Step It Up

Today’s activities is all about Under the sea. This afternoon’s task was to create an underwater robot and the goal of it is to be as creative as you can. I made a Grinch themed underwater robot using my whiteboard, google images, google drawings and template. Some functions like get water and blow water makes it move faster, and functions like receiver are there for you to drive the robot. Here comes my underwater robot…

My robot is like a swimming Grinch. What is your robot like/would be like?