SLJ Snakes and Ladders Kick Start

Today’s activities will be based on Snakes and Ladders. To start off the day, I played Snakes and Ladders, then I made my own one. It took me a while to get it done because I found it hard remembering things I’ve done a long time ago. The first slide is just an example from the template.

I like mixtures of percentages, decimals and fractions. What type of maths do you like?

One thought on “SLJ Snakes and Ladders Kick Start

  1. Kia ora Isa,

    Thank you for sharing your Snakes and Ladders game. I like how the further you go in the board the harder the questions get. It would start to get very hard towards the end wouldn’t it. Have you tried playing the game? Do you think you could win it? What happens if you don’t get the questions right? Do you have to go back to the last square you were in?

    I like how you included a description in your blog post. It gives people an insight into what you have done. You mentioned you have a hard time remembering things you’ve done ages ago. You aren’t alone. Lots of people do, including myself. That’s why practice is so important, it reminds our brain of things we already know.

    In answer to your question. What type of maths do I like. I will be honest. When I was in school I didn’t like maths at all, I really struggled with maths. As I have got older though I have got better and now I understand maths a lot more. I would say my favourite kind of maths is anything related to basic facts. I like how everyone can work out equations in different ways. For example 52 + 67. Lots of people will solve this in different ways. How would you solve it?


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