SLJ ComicQuest Step It Up

For this task, I created a comic strip with a background of my choice. I named it ‘Try to fly with balls from the sky’ because my story tells of a seagull trying to fly but balls keep bumping it back down to the ground.

I like birds in my comic strips so I put a seagull. What is your favourite character you would like in your comic strip?

3 thoughts on “SLJ ComicQuest Step It Up

  1. Kia ora Isa

    It is Charlotte again, a Summer Learning Journey Blog Commenter. I really enjoyed checking out your awesome comic strip! How did you find this activity? Was there anything in particular you found challenging?

    Haha, your comic strip made me laugh. How did you come up with the idea to have beach balls falling from the sky? Maybe the beach balls are there because some people are playing a game at the same park?

    In answer to your question, I love dogs so I would include a dog in my comic strip. Do you have any pets? I only have one dog named Korra but I would love to get another!

    Ngā Mihi Nui
    Charlotte Visser
    Summer Learning Journey

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      I found this activity very fun and easy to do. Pretty much, it was only duplicating the balls and the seagulls plus some bubble speeches. To answer your question of how I got that idea, well I had placed a seagull and a ball, so I put the ball on the seagull’s head but then I realised it could be balls bumping onto the seagull. I was kinda thinking it was raining balls like it was raining tacos. Also, yes I have a few chickens, 19 ducks (includes ducklings) and 25 quails. What is you favourite animal?
      From Isa

      1. Kia ora Isa,

        Haha, I like the idea of it raining beach balls, although I think if that actually happened it real life it might hurt! What do you think?

        Wow! You have so many animals – do you manage to get a lot of eggs with that many chickens? I would love to own chickens but unfortunately my yard isn’t big enough.
        Ducklings are so cute! Will you keep the ducklings as they grow older?

        Ngā Mihi Nui
        Charlotte Visser
        Summer Learning Journey

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