Year: 2023

SLJ: Groove Pizza

Today, my task on the Summer Learning Journey is to create a beat on Groove Pizza as kick start. I chose to have my beat sounding like this as all playing at the same time because I thought it sounded funky.

Then for step it up, it was to create an album cover.

What type of music inspires you most?

SLJ: Superhero Step It Up

Today, I did the ‘Step It Up’ activity for the Summer Learning Journey and it was to create a comic strip for two of the superheros. I had found three so I chose my favourite ones. This is my comic strip.

If this was your task, about how would your comic strip look like?

Bearded Dragon

Yesterday, a tall boy came in with his mother to show his pet, the bearded dragon, to our class. The bearded dragon was called Echo and we all got to have a chance to pat him it we wanted to. After the experience, we all had to do an information sheet on it. My one looks like this.

I learnt that it is native in Australia. I found my experience pretty fun. The other thing I learnt was that it has three eyes which I found very amusing.

What do you know about native animals?

Christmas Decorations

During the half of the term, we have been creating our own Christmas decorations using the designing process. I first thought of creating an angel out of maybe recyclable materials but then I changed because I saw my friends making a snow globe. It seemed much easier so I chose snow globe instead, seeing it was more of the snow globe materials more. I mixed golden glitter with yellow glitter, created my santa and was ready for filling the jar with snow globe liquid things. I saw people using the baby oil, water, both, didn’t work because the glitter floated and made it frosted with baby oil, frosted with water, and both mixed together did not work either. I searched on google for ideas and google responded with corn syrup or glycerin. Afterschool, my mum suggested hand sanitiser and it worked the next day but my santa became disastrous. It ended without santa inside it.

If it was you, what would you have created?

SLJ: Superhero Kick Start

Today, I did a task on the Summer Learning Journey, the task was to create a superhero. I used and AI tool called Craiyon to create images for the superhero. I found a few of them were cute, so I chose all of the ones I think are cute.

Their superpowers are all the same, it is to change the bad to good by controlling them. They got that power because they found the gem stone that gives anyone who finds it the dreams of destiny.

What would your superhero be?

First Aid

On yesterday morning, a lady from St Johns called Sophie came into our class and taught us about first aid. To start the lesson, we talked about Doctor AB, D R S A B. D for Danger to see whether it is safe or not, R for Response to see/hear the unconscious person reacted after being tapped by the collar bone, S for Send/Seek for help to the emergency number for ambulance, A for Airway to free out the mouth so person can breathe, and B for Breathing to see/feel/hear the person is breathing or not (there was also C for Circulation and D for Defibrillation but we were not taught that yet). We practiced with our peers (I was with Stella) what to do if someone is unconscious but breathing (we could not hold our breaths). If some was not breathing, we had to do CPR but we did not practice that. Then we discussed what some medical issues or injuries and how to treat that issue/injury. Examples were bruise – ice pace/frozen veg, stroke – FAST (face, arm, speech, take action), allergy reaction – Epi pen (blue to the sky, orange to the thigh), major bleed – dressing, wrap it tight, e.g… We learnt about what was kept in a first aid kit like Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and more. Then we practiced treating major bleed and that was about it.

What do you know about first aid responses?

Passion Project

During this whole term, we have been working on our passion project. We choose something to be our passion, do research on it and share it to others. I enjoyed doing my passion project because I found it quite easy to do. I chose to do it on birds because I have pets birds at home and I train them so they are really fun to play with. I created a slideshow and Minecraft models on the birds.

What is your passion?

Beach Day!

Today, the year 4, 5, and 6s got to go to the beach for the whole day. We walked to the beach, did some learning and dived into the water. First, there were 4 lifeguards and they did their introduction. One of the lifeguards, Ben, was a lifeguard also working at QEII, once I saw him sunburnt working at QEII so I asked him did he get sunburnt indoors. But he replied to my answer which was no, he also worked at the beach.

After the introduction, we got split into 4 groups and did a rotation. Our groups rotation went like this: meet the rescue equipment, what does lifeguards do, meet the rescue boats and tube, and finally, meet the Inflatable Rescue Boat, also known as IRB. Then it was morning tea, break time! After that, we clarified some water safety rules, and we got into groups again to make a scene of one of the rules, whichever a lifeguard chooses. My group had my mum, Lucas, Theo and Jack. If we included an adult/shopping cart/both, we got bonus points. Our group went like this: my mum was the shopping cart, I was the one with the shopping cart, I pushed the shopping cart into the water, I went into the water with the  shopping cart, I was drowning, Jack was a random person that spotted me so he called Theo the police, the police rang up Lucas the lifeguard, and last but not least, the lifeguard saved me in his rescue boat with my shopping cart. The end. Our rule was supposed to be never swim alone, but our rule was recognised as if needed help, call 111 for police.

Then we changed into out togs/wetsuits/rash tops and had lunch. After lunch was water safety clarification, how to identify rips and water time! During water time, we boogie borded the whole afternoon. I founded it real fun on the beach for the whole day, my favourite part was swimming in the water.

Which places do you like the most?

Children’s University Graduation Ceremony Evening

Last night, there was an event in the Town Hall. It was the Children’s University graduation ceremony evening where children get awards if they accumulate enough activity hours for Children’s University during the year. So called graduates get a sash and then certificate(s) depending on the amount you have done. We had to be there by 5:15 pm, so it was a rush for me since I had a swimming lesson just before then.

This is how my schedule went:  School,(rush) Swimming,(rush) Town Hall. At the Town Hall, my school friends and I played at the foyer while we waited for entrance to the theater. We headed upstairs, sat in order of the arrangement, waited to get called up and be awarded, with compliment, for levels based on hours achieved, again waited some more for others’ turn, took pictures, and drove for home. I received, 9 certificates, 1 sash and a surprise badge with the Children’s University logo face. Although I found the waiting boring, it was great fun with my friends. At the end, we all threw our university hats up into the air! When it was their turn for other schools’ award, I found some of my other friends made in afterschool activities are also doing Children’s University and graduating there. This may be my last year because I have maxed out the hours for the programme. I really recommend this programme because I had heaps of fun during my time participating in Children’s University, while learning new things. I like exploring and getting the hours was rewarding. These are some of the photos and videos taken by my parents, myself, my school teacher and my friends’ parents.


Can you imagine yourself, graduating from a university at the age of primary school?