SLJ Fun Art @ AM

Today I did this task called Fun Art @ AM.

Learn: I watched a video of turning leaves into DIY fun artworks.

Create: I made a nature object, removed the background using, put it onto google drawings, and made a character out of it. I turned it into a goat/sheep.


I found it real easy to do as it was a matter of making art. What I liked most on this task was making it a goat/sheep. Originally, I tried to make a mushroom.

What would/do you turn a piece of leftover nature into?

2 thoughts on “SLJ Fun Art @ AM

  1. Talofa lava Isa,

    Am I correct in saying the activity involved collecting leaves, rocks and other things you could find outside to make a character? I would have loved to see you complete this challenge. What things outside do you think you could use to make a sheep?

    I live right by the beach so I could use shells, sand, driftwood, seaweed to create a creature. I think I would like to make something that you would find on the beach. For example a seagull. I could make the eyes out of shells, the beak out of driftwood and the body out of seaweed or sand? What do you think?

    Remember to read the instructions for the activity correctly Isa and to complete the task fully.

    1. Hi Anna,
      I used a chestnut and a fallen acorn as my original but photo wasn’t showing very well. I just had that in my mind and didn’t have any more ideas in my head at that moment.
      From Isa

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