Year: 2024

A Letter to A Friend who wants to be A Soldier

In the previous few weeks, we have been learning about Anzac. We have been writing a letter to a friend in 1914 who wants to join the army and be a soldier. Our goal is to try and persuade the friend we are writing to. This is my letter to my friend Edmond, introducing myself as Paul.

Dear Edmond,

Thank you for your letter. It was great to hear from you.

I loved your enthusiasm but it might be different from what you’ve been told. What if there were no sceneries to look at during our journey. It’s not like humans can fly here in 1914. We humans don’t have wings! We’ll be tried out before we even get there. Think about it, it’s just like fight. Even worse, you are killing or being shot at.

The other thing is your comforts. You have to be on duty every second. You’ll be living with rodents, fleas, dirt, diseases, and sickness! You’ll have to shoot in trenches! Food won’t be nicely flipped fresh homemade pancakes. It’s way more hardworking and more life risking than in a farm. War is damage!

Best of luck,

What other reasons can you think of why we shouldn’t go to war?

Art with Henri Matisse

In the afternoons, we have been doing art. But instead of using a paintbrush, we use a pair of scissors. We also use a few other materials; glue, paper and maybe pencils. We are learning about Henri Matisse as well, who was the artist of this type of art. He called it “Drawing with scissors.” This is my piece of art, drawn with scissors.

What other famous artists do you know?

Autumn Learning Journey: Activity 15 – 12 Beatuiful Autumn Scenes

During this school holidays, there is this programme called Autumn Learning Journey. It is where you complete as many activities as you can. One of the activities is look at the 12 Beautiful Autmn Scenes on Google Arts & Culture. The task was to pick 1 artwork and answer some questions related to this artwork. I chose artwork number 11 out of the 12 because this piece of art was different and beautiful to me.

What famous artists do you know?

Autumn Learning Journey: Activity 19 – Kumara Meal

During this school holidays, there is this programme called Autumn Learning Journey. It is where you complete as many activities as you can. One of the activities is making some sort of meal with the main ingredient of kumara. I made this meal of “Sweet Kumara Soup” or “番薯糖水” (Fan Shu Tong Shui).

How do you eat your kumara?

Autumn Learning Journey: Activity 14 – Commmenting on other People’s Blogs

During this school holidays, there is this programme called Autumn Learning Journey. It is where you complete as many activities as you can. One of the activities is commenting on 3 other people’s blogs. I chose these 3 people who are doing the Autumn Learning Journey. – Telesia @ St. Francis of Assisi – Catherine @ St. Francis of Assisi – Summer @ New Brighton Catholic

I used the structure of Positive, Thoughtful, Helpful.

Do you use any structures? If so, what?

Autumn Learning Journey: Acticity 2 – Autumn Breakfast

During this school holidays, there is this programme called Autumn Learning Journey. It is where you complete as many activities as you can. One of the activities is making an Autumn breakfast. I chose to make pancakes using walnuts as toppings for the Autumn theme. I made a slideshow showing how I made them.

What toppings do you think of as Autumn?

Autumn Learning Journey: Activity 13 – Symmetrical Art

During this school holidays, there is this programme called Autumn Learning Journey. It is where you complete as many activities as you can. One of the activities is finding half a leaf (or just cut a leaf so it’s half), and draw the other side so it’s symmetrical. This is how my symmetrical art came out.

Would you rather have a nice, neat leaf or a wonky, crazy leaf?

Autumn Learning Journey: Activity 20 – Hibernation Hut

During this school holidays, there is this programme called Autumn Learning Journey. It is where you complete as many activities as you can. One of the activities is making a place for hibernation. Hibernation is when the animals have a big long sleep during the winter months and wake up when it’s spring. It could be as simple as a blanket on ropes between trees or as complacated as an elaborated hut. I made a hut outside using what was about to be rubbish and the space between trees. This is what it looks like.

How would you make your hut?

Autumn Learning Journey: Activity 11 – Autumn Boggle

During this school holidays, there is this programme called Autumn Learning Journey. It is where you complete as many activities as you can. One of the activities is finding as many words as you can out of the word Autumn. This is my set of words out of the word Autumn.

How many other words can you think of?