Day: December 26, 2023

SLJ Exercise

Today, I did this activity where you have to create your own exercise routine. It was in Māori so again, google translate. This is the link to the exercise routine I made.


Then I did one where I explained what I did and introducing my friends joining me at the start.


Which exercise activity do you find the hardest?

SLJ Colourblock landscape Step It Up

An activity this afternoon is related to the last activity. Unlike the last one, it is to create a beach scene. I watched the video when doing my picture and added some things at the end. I enjoyed this activity as it was easy, simple, and fun to do.

My favourite part making it was creating the palm tree and my favourite part of  the scene was the reflection of the sun and the background.

What type of scenes do you like to watch/draw/look at and why do you like that type?

Also, what do you prefer this scene to be; sunset or sunrise and why? I personally would like this to be sunset because I am a night owl myself.

SLJ Colourblock Landscape

This morning, the task was to create a colourblock landscape by using shapes and polyline/curve. I think it is called colourblock because it mainly uses solid colours, not much of the gradient. I only used the gradient on the moon. This is my picture.

My scene is kinda like walking into a forest or a mountain at night. What is your scene all about?