SLJ Colourblock Landscape

This morning, the task was to create a colourblock landscape by using shapes and polyline/curve. I think it is called colourblock because it mainly uses solid colours, not much of the gradient. I only used the gradient on the moon. This is my picture.

My scene is kinda like walking into a forest or a mountain at night. What is your scene all about?

One thought on “SLJ Colourblock Landscape

  1. Mōrena Isa,

    What an awesome step up from your previous colour block post. I love that you did an almost completely different scenery from the location to the time of day.

    I like how strong the contrast is most notably through the colours you have used, I like the gradient effect you have created with the shades of blue/grey.

    Which of your two colour block art pieces is your favourite?

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

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