Year: 2022

Dimante Poem

Today, we were learning to write a dimante poem. A dimante poem includes 7 lines, 6 nowns, 6 verbs and 4 adjectives. Line 1 would have 1 nown, line 2: 2 adjectives, line 3: 3 vrebs, line 4: 4 nowns, line 5: 3 verbs, line 6: 2 adjectives and line 7 would have 1 nown. Our subject had to be the moon and sun. Here is my work.


Fiery, Gold

Brightening, Boiling, Burning

Gas, Day, Dark, Night

Reflecting, Glowing, Shining

Grey, Cold


How can I improve this?

My Lego Rainbow

For the holidays, we had home learning on Lego. We had an option of building a volcano or a rainbow. I picked to build a rainbow. It was hard at first because I had to think of how to make it but once I finished it, it was easy to break and rebuild. I made a slideshow of how to make it too.

How can I improve this?

Reading 2022

This month, it is Matariki. On the last two weeks, we have been learning about Matariki. For Matariki, we had to do things for Matariki. I made a Lantern Design for Matariki. Here is the Matariki Lantern Design.

How can I improve this?


Information Report – Matariki


Matariki is a cluster of stars that has different names depending on what country.


What is Matariki?

Matariki is a celebration for the Maori New Year. It is a time for you and your whanau to reflect on sad and happy times. It is also a time to look ahead of the future. Matariki usually comes in late May or early June. This year (2022), Matariki is confirmed as a public holiday in New Zealand.


The 9 Stars

Like what I wrote for the Introduction, Matariki is a cluster of stars; About that, Matariki´s cluster of stars only has nine. Some people might believe it has seven. I believe there are nine. Here are the nine stars:

  1. Matariki
  2. Ururangi
  3. Waiti
  4. Waita
  5. Waipunarangi
  6. Tupu-a-nuku
  7. Tupu-a-rangi
  8. Pohutukawa
  9. Hiwa-i-te-rangi

When they are told as seven, Pohutukawa and Hiwa-i-te-rangi are gone.


How we can Celebrate Matariki

As because it is the Maori New Year, it is a celebration for the Maori people. We can celebrate Matariki by…

  1. Having fun with kites in the air.
  2. Having a party/gathering.
  3. Having Matariki Storytimes.
  4. Or having kai with your whanau


Matariki is a time to reflect on sad and happy times. It is also a time to look ahead of the future. I feel lucky and proud about Matariki. How do you feel about Matariki?

How can I improve my writing?