Month: July 2023

Ballad of the Ducks

This week, we have been making comics. It started off with 1 boring picture of 2 ducks on separate poles being duplicated and that would interest nobody. Our goal was to make it interesting so people want to read it. I came up with an idea of making a joke out of the duck which I did. I found a joke that I thought was funny and made it mine by editing that joke. The original joke was a duck walks into a bar and asks the bartender ¨Have you got any grapes?¨ The bartender says no and the duck leaves. The same thing happened the next day. On the third day, the duck still asks ¨Have you got any grapes?¨ The bartender got annoyed so he said ¨If you ask me have you got any grapes 1 more time, I’ll nail your feet to the ceiling.¨ The duck leaves and comes back the next day. ¨Have you got any nails?¨ the duck asks. The bartender says no and so the duck asks for grapes again.  I used 2 ducks instead and changed some words like I made the duck go ¨I’ll nail you to that pole.¨ This is my twisted joke.

Did you get it?

Cloud in a Jar

I have made cloud in a bottle instead of jar. First you will need some rubbing alcohol. Pour some rubbing alcohol into a plastic bottle and shake. Then use a pump to pump some air into the bottle. When it gets hard on the pump, now release the top and you shall see the cloud forming inside the bottle. Warning: the bottle may make a pop sound. That is why I am wearing a face shield.  Now you can watch the video below and see how I did it.

A Warm Place I Could Go

I chose this warm place called Hong Kong because I have family members there. The average temperature is around 20°C to 30°C during the winter.

There are so many different transports, double-decker buses, trams, subways, ferries and mini buses. The transport fees are very cheap as well.

Going on the tram ride and double-decker buses were my favourite transports when I was in Hong Kong.

What is your favourite thing to do when you are travelling to another country?

My Matariki Favourite Facts

These are my favourite facts about Matariki:
Matariki ahunga nui means Matariki plentiful of food
Matariki has many different names around the world
Matariki is one of the closest star clusters to Earth



A Winter Destination

During this winter, I decided to choose a winter destination I could go to this summer. This place is called Isa City in the south of Japan. I chose Isa City because there is a huge waterfall with snow in the mountains nearby. The waterfall has got a lovely flowing stream, a deck with heaps of people on it, rocks at the bottom and trees all around. There are also the best restaurants not far away if I am hungry.

This is my work.

Where is your winter destination?

Wintry Maths

During these winter holidays, I decided to make four winter themed math problems. All you have to do is to get pen, paper and your brain so you can solve them while playing the slideshow. When the snowflake appears underneath the click to reveal, click on the snowflake and you will see the answer. Then click the next question and you will be able to solve the next question. Get ready…

How would you rate the difficulty of my questions if 1 is very easy and 10 is very hard?

Edible Matariki

This upcoming Friday is a special holiday called Matariki. Matariki is a cluster of stars, appearing every year around late June and early July. Matariki is also known as the Māori New Year so I decided to celebrate Matariki by making a star themed snack, which in this case is Star Shaped Chips. It is a very simple and easy snack to enjoy. After making it, I took a few photos and made a recipe about it. I found it fun cutting the potatoes while my mum does the cooking. This is the recipe I created using Google Drawings.

I also created some pizza stars.

How do you celebrate your New Year?

A Matariki Song

During this holiday, we have the Winter Learning Journey where we have to do different tasks and blog about it. One of the tasks is to create some music that reminds me of Matariki using Song Maker. Then we had to screencastify it onto our blogs. I chose a piece of music that is also a bedtime or a sleepy kind of music. Can you guess what song it actually is? Here it comes…