SLJ Aquatic Animal – Step It Up

For this Step It Up activity, I made a newly discovered aquatic animal called the… Narlotl! The Narlotl is a combination of Narwhal and Axolotl. It has the body of an Axolotl but has an Axolotl head with a horn, like the Narwhal. The tail is an Axolotl’s tail, with a mixture of a Narwhal’s tail. I also changed the colours so the Narlotl is mainly rainbow, but it’s horn is pink and purple.

It eats anything any Narwhal and Axolotl would eat. This hybrid lives a long time, up to 50 years in the wild, like a Narwhal. Anything an Axolotl or a Narwhal can do, the Narlotl can do twice as much! But, alike the Narwhal, it’s horn does not contain magic. Otherwise, it would be a unicorn’s horn. The Narlotl’s horn works just like a Narwhal’s horn. It once may be believed that the Narwhal’s horn once had magic. Same applies to the Narlotl.

I made my Narlotl on Google Drawings, using different tools in Google Drawings. I used curve, polyline and shapes. I also used Gradient to make the colour rainbow on the Narlotl. My newly discovered aquatic animal, The Narlotl, looks like this. Unfortunately, it does not yet exist.

Would you take a Narlotl as a pet and why?

3 thoughts on “SLJ Aquatic Animal – Step It Up

  1. Kia Ora Isa,

    This is Zana from the Summer Learning Journey.

    What a fun activity, I like that all the activities this year focus on the same topic, the ocean, but have you complete different kinds of activities. Which activity has been your favourite so far?

    I think your aquatic animal looks awesome and I like that you chose to create it on an online tool, do you think that was easier than creating it on paper. If I were to make my own aquatic animal I would probably do it on paper as I like painting.

    I think your axolotl/narwhal Narlotl looks awesome and I love the rainbow design. You also included some really interesting facts about your animal. I would definitely keep it as a pet. Would it be small enough to be kept in a fish tank?

    I hope to see more posts from you!!

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

    1. Kia Ora Zana,

      My favourite activity so far is the Cartoon collectables step it up.

      Creating an axolotl on paper takes a lot of work because it is harder to trace. First, I traced the axolotl from an image, then added a horn on the head, and deleted the tail fins, replaced with narwhal’s tail. Then I sent both narwhal’s feature to the back so the axolotl’s body parts could be seen first.

      The narlotl adult female size is 30cm long, and the narlotl adult male is 35cm long. Both are small enough to fit in a fish tank. Yes, they should be able fit into a fish tank.

      All colour options are available, what colour would you choose as a pet? Rainbow is the rarest.

      From Isa

      1. Oh how cool I would for sure keep one as a pet, it can join my current fish tank. If I could choose I would have one of every colour!!

        What colour one would you want

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