SLJ Submarine Fun – Step It Up

For this Step It Up activity, I did a science experiment on submarines. I followed a video of someone teaching this experiment. At the end, I found out that video had not been very clear on how to make it work. The submarine has to be balanced with air and water, or else it would be very hard to squeeze, especially for me. I eventually quite enjoyed this activty when it was sucessful, and found it pretty fun exploring and testing. I made a slide sequence and a video to share my work.

How would you make the setting more Jedi – like?

5 thoughts on “SLJ Submarine Fun – Step It Up

  1. Kia Ora Isa,

    This is Zana from the SLJ commenting team, I am loving all your posts this summer.

    What an interesting step up from your submarine design activity. I like that this activity focuses on a more scientific activity. Do you enjoy learning about science at school?

    You did another awesome job with this activity and I was glad to hear you used some problem solving skills by figuring out the experiment even after finding the video confusing. I am also glad that you included a video as it was great to be able to see your experiment in action.

    You also used some great scientific language and made some awesome observations as you explained how your sub floated.

    I wonder how you might step this activity up further, do you think this experiment could be done on a larger scale?

    Keep up the great work,
    Zana Yates

    1. Kia Ora Zana,

      Yes, I do enjoy learning about science at school.

      I think it can be done in class with a larger scale. I wish we had this experiment in school. My class will probably love it.

      How big of a scale are you thinking of?

      From Isa

      1. Hi Isa,

        I had a look back at some of your posts and decided that this one was a good example of an SLJ outstanding post! This means you will receive a bonus point!

        I was thinking human sized scale! I was wondering if you could do this with a person but I suppose that would just be a submarine!


        1. Hello Zana,

          Thank you for your reply and thank you for marking it outstanding.

          If it was human size, you will need a bottle the size of a swimming pool, and a giant or a humongous mechanic robot or some sort of a device to squeeze the bottle to have this experiment to work. An alternative is to build a bottle-looking building, have a submarine that travel up and down, and it would be like a fun fair. However, it would not have the concept of this science experiment. Which do you prefer?

          From Isa

          1. I love that idea of it being a ride at a fair, it could also be a training exercise for soldiers as I know they do a lot of extreme scenario trainings! Would you try it if it was a ride?

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