For this Kick Start activity, I folded origami sea creatures following the instructions of my chosen sea creatures. I had to do 3, so I did an Angelfish, a Seahorse, and a Dolphin. All of them needed square paper which I don’t have, so I folded an A4 sheet of paper and cut some parts of it to make it square. I found making/folding origami really easy as I fold origami all the time. I also found it a fun task because I like folding for fun. A good tip I suggest for origami which I find helpful is using a ruler to help fold. This is my family of sea creatures. My Angelfish is eating worm, as I asked Google what an Angelfish eats.
What is your favourite sea-themed thing to do?
Hello Isa!
Its Ailish from Hornby Primary. I saw your blog post and decided to comment on it. I really like your origami sea creatures. They look so creative and fun! I did try and do this activity but I didn’t have the correct size of my paper but your seahorse looks amazing. My favourtie sea themed thing to do is probably also origami or just DIY things.
Hello Ailish,
Thank you for commenting! It was great to hear some feedback from you. I got my square paper by using an A4 sheet, fold a coner to line up the edge, and cut off the rectangle. You shoud end up with a right-angle triangle. Did you try that? If not, I think you should have a crack at it.
From Isa
Kia Ora Isa,
This is Zana from the Summer Learning Journey, again.
What a fun art activity, I love origami. Last year we had students from Japan visit our school and they taught my class how to make origami cranes. It was a fun experience and a valuable skill to learn. Have you done origami before?
I think your origami creatures look awesome and I like that you stepped it up by creating so many different designs and drawing on extra features. My favourite of yours is probably the dolphin.
If you were to make your own design with origami what would you make?
Keep up the great work!
Ngā mihi nui,
Zana Yates
Kia Ora Zana,
Yes, I have done origami before. There was even another origami task at the beginning of SLJ this season.
I would probably make a narlotl if I knew how to fold one.
Did you learn much Japanese from the Japanese students?
From Isa
We learnt a lot from our students they taught us some of their language, about their culture, a dance, and some origami skills. We also had students go to Japan to visit them, there we taught them about our culture!
Have you ever traveled overseas?
こんにちは Zana,
Isa here. Yes, I have traveled overseas before. In fact, I have traveled so many times one of my trips were in Japan, but that was quite a few years ago, before Coronavirus came. Have you been to Japan yourself? And was it a student exchange?
From Isa
Kia orana Isa,
I’m Folose from Pamure Bridge School and I have to say, these origami pieces are AMAZING! From the extra details you added like the eyes. WHat made you think of doing that?
Anyways, it is AWESOME, and have a wonderful New Year,
(P.S: Your origami sea creature are better than mine 🙂
Kia orana Folose,
I just like doing the sparkly effect in the eyes. The colour sparkle is from my colour gel pens.
What did you make for your origami sea creatures?
From Isa