Cybersmart Challenge – Email Etiquette

This afternoon, we did a Cybersmart Challenge called Email Etiquette. This activity was about writing good emails. A good quality email contains of this.

Subject Line: The subject line summarises your email’s content.  It should be catching people’s attention and be specific. 

Greeting: Emphasise the need for a polite greeting, such as “Kia ora [Name]” or “Hello [Name] ” or “Tēnā koe [Whaea]”

Body: The body of your email should be clear and to the point.  Pay attention to your punctuation and grammar.  Remember emails are formal means of communication, so avoid using any slang.
Closing: End your email politely with phrases like;
“Kind regards,” “Ngā mihi nui,” “Ma te wa” or “Best regards,” 

Then the task was to write an email to the Manaiakalani people saying what our favourite task was and what we suggest as to be a Cybersmart Challenge. This is mine.

How do you write your emails?

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