In the afternoons on Tuesday, we have been learning about New Zealand History. This activity was to create an animated slide on a Waka Hourua and a modern day ship, like a cruise ship. A Waka Hourua is two waka put together side by side with some sails. A waka is a ship Māori people or Polynesian people travel in. A Waka Hourua is just like a waka, but with added a another waka, and sails, possibly more room and shelters too. We have been learning about the Waka Hourua, and this activity is to show our learning and understanding of the Waka Hourura.
Would you choose to travel on a Waka Hourua at no cost or a very expensive cruise ship?
Hello it tyson
I really like how you put a video of the history of zealand you did very good job
From tyson